Basic site with Laravel 5.0

Okay created a Hello World! Let’s see Laravel Template engine the Blade !!!

Blade is a very simple, yet powerful templating engine (if you ever see C#/.NET Razor parser then will familiar for you), the files naming convention is my_view_name.blade.php and stored in Laravels view folder.
The official documentation show us some example and here a list of available Blade commands.

Now create a Basic Nav / Body / Aside / Footer page with some links and Named Routes styled Bootstrap 3.2 🙂

But first we need to found where are the Views in Laravel 5.0!


Let’s start: we need some test page and data, so make some links

Home | Gallery | About Us | Contact Us

Make the Routes to our links, nothing fancy a simple Closure and return the views, oh and a small thing NAME YOUR ROUTES!! Trust me it will help your job a lot 🙂

// app/Http/routes.php
get( '/' , ['as' => 'home' ,
    function() {
    return view( 'home' );
}] );
get( '/gallery' , ['as' => 'gallery' ,
    function() {
    return view( 'gallery' );
}] );
get( '/about-us' , ['as' => 'about' ,
    function() {
    return view( 'about' );
}] );
get( '/contact-us' , ['as' => 'contact' ,
    function() {
    return view( 'contact' );
}] );

Next make the our base/master layout! Create a folder in views name it layouts and a file base.blase.php:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />
        <title>Laravel Test page</title>
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/style.css') }}" />
    <body class="container">
        <nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
            <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
                <li><a href="{{ route('home') }}">Home</a></li>
                <li><a href="{{ route('gallery') }}">Gallery</a></li>
                <li><a href="{{ route('about') }}">About Us</a></li>
                <li><a href="{{ route('contact') }}">Contact Us</a></li>
        <aside class="panel panel-default col-md-3">
            aside content
        <footer class="col-md-12">

As you see have some strange thing in this. First what the hell is in head selection:

{{ asset('css/style.css') }}

Well asset is a helper for app(‘html’)->linkAsset, it is generate a full url to our public folder. Oh and Bootstrap body margin is 0 so I add a little boost to 10 my custom style.css.

Why add this in a section? In this way when need easy to replace or append a style or JavaScripts:

// something to append

Named Routes in links just route(‘my_route_name’) and make the url 🙂

@yield(‘body’) here comes the page specific content.

@section aside & footer block around the html block, ability to delete / replace them in child Blade (in gallery just see bellow)

We have the routes and a base template with menu. Create the route specific content in the view folder:


home.blade.php is:

<section class="col-md-9">
    <p>some basic info</p>

As you see we extend the layouts/base(.blade.php) template and add our home body content, the about and contact blade are the same for now. (contact will contain a send feedback form in my next post)

The gallery.blade.php twisted a little, overwrite the aside section, and body section set to full width. To see pictures don’t need sidebar, also if you like append load some script to the gallery to head.

<section class="col-md-12">
    <p>Some Pictures</p>

In my next post add a form to contact view and make a controller to handle it 🙂